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10 Best practices for social media usage Part 1

Foto van schrijver: Diversity4Tech.ScienceDiversity4Tech.Science

Bijgewerkt op: 10 aug 2018

10 Best practices for social media usage Part 1: The different interaction and engagement levels

Social media are online social networks like Facebook, Twitter, Pinterest, Instagram, SnapChat, YouTube, LinkedIn, Tumblr. They are very useful tools to connect with (potential) consumers, audience and users.

Just as explained in our blogpost about consuming stage, social networks can be used for all seven consumer behavior and identification stages.

These online social media allow you to interact and engage with your audience in live mode. Depending on the online marketing goals set and therewith the stage you wish to influence, you adopt the proper interaction and engagement level. There are different ways to do so.

These best practices are as follows:

1. Manage your Social Media accurately.

2. Stay competitive.

3. Interaction with your online audience.

4. Encourage your audience to engage more on your social networks.

5. Connect with your community / audience lifestyle.

6. Showcase personal side of your company / brand.

7. Identify which Social Media suit what demography and target groups.

8. Analyze and assess which social networks really work for and match your business.

9. Implement Social Media into the Digital Marketing Strategy.

10. Set KPIs for your Social Media channels.

In here, Social Media Part 1, the first seven practices will be covered.

I. Manage your Social Media accurately:

1. Engage with your audience of each social network you have an account for -->

- reply on comments on own posts published or other posts in where your company is mentioned.

- monitor mentions of your company/products/services across the social network channels.

2. Expand your audience by lead generating / leads -->

- increase traffic by including hashtags / tags (mentions) and geotags in your posts (e.g. in Facebook and Instagram posts).

- discover and explore content online based on hashtags, tags and geotags.

- engage actively with your followers on your own social media pages by commenting, liking and sharing.

3. Browse and check your Social Media feed frequently in order to perform all the above.

II. Stay competitive:

1. Discover insights from your competitors, other companies in the industry, individuals, suppliers or potential clients and partners by consulting their Social Media pages and other online platforms (e.g. pro – consumers, bloggers, vloggers etc. ) that include them (competitors, partners, clients, suppliers) in their Social Media posts.

2. Discover new online trends in services / products and latest digital campaigns.

3. Communicate with customers, clients, suppliers, influencers about the launch of new products, services, or a promotion etc.

III. Interaction with your online audience:

1. Investigate what your audience likes, talks about and shares online. A way to influence the interaction level and engage with the audience in a natural way.

2. Convert your audience into your brand ambassadors.

3. Encourage employees to connect and engage with your company and its content on its Social Media pages, which will boost the interaction level of other users.

IV. Encourage your audience to engage more on your social networks:

- Encourage a specific call-to-action (link to a promotion deals webpage, contact details to enter a contest etc.).

- Increase your community.

V. Connect with your community’s / audience’s lifestyle:

- Offer visually intriguing content, layout etc. to capture attention.

- Highlight products / services that match a certain lifestyle that the community identifies with.

VI. Showcase personal side of your company / brand:

1. Provide exclusive content (photos / videos) like from behind the scenes or backstage tours. This makes your content real, authentic and distinguishes it from the rest.

VII. Identify which Social Media suit what demography and target groups:

There is a general understanding of which target audience and reach, each social medium covers. Facebook, Twitter, Pinterest, Instagram, SnapChat, YouTube, LinkedIn, Tumblr

1. Facebook --> global and useful for everyone and every type of business.

2. YouTube --> global, but more used by millennials and adults between 18 and 45 years old.

3. LinkedIn --> targets worldwide young professionals, graduates, jobseekers, Sales Representatives, companies from every branch and partners seeking.

4. Instagram --> millennials and young adults until 35 to 40 years old, high-end influencers and celebrities worldwide.

5. Pinterest --> mostly used by women, all from different backgrounds and professions ranging from professionals, bloggers, influencers, foodies etc. worldwide.

6. Twitter --> global, mostly used by young professionals.

7. SnapChat --> used by millennials and young adults worldwide.

Read next post 10 Best practices for social media usage Part 2

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