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Microsoft Ignite the Tour Amsterdam - promoting gender diversity in tech

Foto van schrijver: Diversity4Tech.ScienceDiversity4Tech.Science

Very honoured and proud to be on stage! Strong women in Tech @ Microsoft Ignite the Tour Amsterdam - representing young people, women, and diverse communities. Sharing our story about our contribution to gender diversity and inclusion in STEM and to bridge the gender gap, with our initiative Youth Tech Fest where Girls innovate. We all matter! #msignite #msignitethetour

Diversity4Tech.Science story:

Empowering women and minorities in Tech Industry, through ‘improvement of STEM education in primary and secondary schools’ via online courses and exposure to role models.

During my career, as a woman, it became very clear that there's a lack of women and other diverse groups and underestimation of these on the work floor, especially in IT and R&D departments and in higher positions. For this reason, I started this initiative to make a change, since through diversity and inclusion you involve everybody regardless of gender or background to contribute to social development in communities worldwide and to innovate.

Youth Tech Fest where Girls innovate Amsterdam on International Women's Day 2019:

Thanks to all sponsor and partners supporting Youth Tech Fest for International Women's Day 2019: Microsoft, Codam Coding College, Mövenpick Hotel Amsterdam City Centre, Juiciety, and InspiringFifty!

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