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7 Consumer behavior stages online - Discover them

Bijgewerkt op: 10 aug 2018

7 Consumer behavior stages online

There are different stages when it comes to consumer consumption. These stages are all an effect of the way consumers behave online. Since the internet we are currently living in a digital world, where we are experiencing a ‘New Consumer’ wave. This is a wave where consumers are no longer dependent only on the information provided by merchants, brands, companies etc.

The ‘New Consumer’ wave consists of the following two types:

1. Smart – consumer --> are individuals who first investigate and consult information online (desktop, laptop, mobile devices) concerning product / service, before buying.

2. Pro – consumer --> are consumers who pro – actively share and post information online about products / services.

These types are linked to the different consumer behaviors that identify the stage that the consumer is in when purchasing services or goods. Consumer behavior and identification stages:

1. Knowledge; get to know the company and its services / goods.

2. Consideration; considering making a purchase.

3. Action; to actually buy.

4. Usage; the moments when the purchased services / goods are being consumed.

5. Experience; how the usage is being experienced.

6. Opinion; based on the times the purchased services / goods where consumed and how the consumer experienced it.

7. Recommendation; based on the opinion, consumer can recommend or not to his/her network (family, friends, online reviews etc.).

For each stage there are online marketing tools to influence the behavior. Display, SEO and SEM can be applied to influence the following stages:

- Knowledge (except SEM)

- Consideration

- Action

- Usage

Social Media can be used for all seven stages, especially for consideration and action ‘Social Media Optimization’ (SMO) is a key tool. Affiliation (via Affiliation programs) is useful for knowledge and action. More on Display, SEO, SEM, Social Media, and Affiliation in other posts.

These stages are influenced by the trends online which are changing rapidly thanks to technology advancement. You can leverage these trends to affect the desired customer behavior stage.

Read next post Cross-Media Marketing.

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