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Second Women4Tech Summit - Mobile World Congress 2018

Foto van schrijver: Diversity4Tech.ScienceDiversity4Tech.Science

Bijgewerkt op: 8 mrt 2018

Second Women4Tech Summit

At the 2018 edition of Mobile World Congress, the second Women4Tech Summit took place. This full-day program is designed for women to include them and promote their involvement in technology and mobile.

Just like last year, the focus was on four key themes:

- Women Empowering Technology---> gender equality and career development.

- Women Encouraging Technology ---> mentoring and youth education.

- Women Transforming Technology ---> focusing on women in communication and vertical sectors.

- Women Innovating in Technology---> women entrepreneurs and innovators.

It was inspiring and interesting just like the first edition, however unlike last year the room was not full and even the program quality itself was less than last year to be honest. Perhaps, because the first edition was a great success and crowded, we had higher expectation for the next edition. More pictures here.

Interestingly, is that this year they included more diverse groups onstage, in terms of age, skin color and culture. You had successful women varying in age, countries, skin color and job levels. The remark Diversity4Tech made last year ‘Now adding more diversity in terms of age, skin color and culture is the next step to go for!’ just came true!!!

Also part of this year program was the announcement of women leaders nominees and winners of the ´GLOMO Awards 2018´, see video’s below.

Some powerful words shared at the summit is by two amazing and inspiring minority women:

- ‘Diversity drives Innovation’, by Namrata Sharma from HCL Technologies

- ‘Support each other as woman, promote sisterhood, and believe in your own strength’ by Sohaila Ouffata from BMW iVentures.


Just click on the hyperlinks to watch and be enlightened.

1. Seminar: Women4Tech Keynote – summit organized by GSMA and sponsored by Accenture.

Speakers include Mats Granryd, Emma McGuigan from Accenture, Lisa Wang from SheWorx, Mary Clark from Synchronoss, Julie Woods-Moss from Tata Communications, Berit Svendsen from Telenor Norway, Susana Balbo from W20 Group Argentina, and Rocío Tomé from Spain Government Women’s Association for the Digital Agenda.

Speakers include Samuel Burke from CNN Money, Namrata Sharma from HCL Technologies, Sohaila Ouffata from BMW iVentures, Victoria Hernandez from Go Beyond Early Stage Investing, Beatrice York from Afiniti, Yolanda Piazza from Citi Fintech, Caroline Das-Monfrais from EY, Asha Sharma from Facebook, Laxmi Akkaraju from GSMA, John Hoffman from GSMA, Kirti Lad from Meraki, Suzi McBride from OneWeb, Julie Welch from Qualcomm, Laura Abasolo from Telefónica, Robyn Denholm from Telstra, and Kathy Grillo from Verizon.

MessageBird stand, one of the favorites and you could even have peek in the cloud as you were in a cloud itself. Amazing structure and work which the credit should be given to the Director of Events who happens to be a women ‘Arleen van Londen’.

Some exhibiting companies include:

Kumbaya, Microsoft, Huawei, Nokia, SAP, Siemens, ZTE, Peugeot, Google, Samsung, HP, HTC, Lenovo, Cisco, Yahoo!, Toyota, MessageBird, Alibaba Cloud, Palo Alto Networks, Comarch, PWC, IBM, Facebook, Braze (Appboy), VISA, NEC, BMW, SEAT, Ericsson, LG Electronics, Intel, PayPal, Mubi, Smart Adserver, Deloitte, Verizon, Cequens, TATA ……

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