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Digital Tip: 7 mistakes you cannot commit during the digital transformation of your company

Foto van schrijver: Diversity4Tech.ScienceDiversity4Tech.Science

Bijgewerkt op: 10 aug 2018

7 mistakes you cannot commit during the digital transformation of your company

7 errores en los que no puedes caer durante la transformación digital de tu empresa

A seminar organized by ´La Salle´ University of Ramon Llull in Barcelona, taken place on 19th of January 2018. The goal was to present to companies, irrespective their sizes and industry they’re in, the mistakes they should avoid when it comes to digital transformation.

Since technology is growing faster as ever, it is crucial for companies to adopt these changes in order to keep growing their business and stay competitive. Not employing these, will simply mean a loss of competitive advantage, at least that is my opinion. Because if your competitors are digitalized, they are more equipped to offer better and faster services, this is more attractive to consumers. So please take that into account when doing business or just starting a business.

Back to the seminar. It was very interesting to learn how experts and academics experience this digitalization and their take on it. The program of the event was a presentation by Carles Izquierdo de Mor who is the coordinator of the Digital Transformation Executive program at Ramon Llull, and a roundtable of questions and answers between him, Montse Marta Marsal who is the founder of ´Connecting Brains´, Pedro Domínguez who is the Chief Information Officer Iberia of ´Schneider Electric´ (a company that promotes diversity, more in another post Diversity in Companies), and moderated by Elena Elorriaga (Business Innovation of Connecting Brains). It was pleasant to see two women involved in the seminar who are engaged in the digital world. The organizers did a great job to include diversity in terms of gender equality, in the event!! After the seminar, there was a nice networking space where you could enjoy the cocktails and delicious canapés served.

What they all seem to be agreed on at the roundtable is, one learns mostly from trials and mistakes when defining processes for digital transformation of the business. Also shared a tip to improve these processes, is by always asking your public/users for feedback, this way you learn what works and what not. Another tip is, which supports the previous tip, to ask good questions, have the ability to ask good and appropriate questions.

Marta, founder of ´Connecting Brains´, also pointed out that one should ´lead by example´, a thinking that is crucial in the digital world. She also recommended ´Design Thinking - 5 steps for digitalization´, a methodology to incorporate digital transformation. This refers to never execute an action all of the sudden at once in the whole company, but rather step by step to see what works and what not. Basically, to try out (trial, prototype), fail, learn, develop, and go back to the action which you improve based on what you have learned. A recommended book to help you with designing your company´s digital transformation process is ´The Innovator's DNA: Mastering the Five Skills of Disruptive Innovators´.

The ´7 mistakes you cannot commit during the digital transformation of your company´ they were referring to, are in a nutshell:

1. Do not rely on consultancies and external consultants to draw you a plan as they do not always have the right answers. After all they do not know your company as good as you do and your employees.

2. Do not rush things. Take your time when transforming, it should be done gradually and not at once.

3. Do not postpone either the digital transformation, because of high costs which you believe your company is not capable to incur. It is not an excuse, rather will harm your business in the long run as competitors are growing and you are not.

4. The digital transformation is not just technology and not only applies to technology companies. This is global and affects all kind of businesses and their way of doing business (strategy, customer service, point of sales, sales channels, business process, communications and purchasing process etc.). In other words it is a mean to achieve established business goals and not as a goal itself.

5. Not building a dedicated team is bad. Make sure you have an in-house team that knows your company and its needs, so they know what is needed and applicable to adapt to new technology changes and adopt the applicable digital process for the company. Name a Chief Digital Officer (CDO) or a Chief Technology Officer (CTO) to manage this team and the digital transformation project of your company.

6. Incoherence between digital and non-digital. Make sure your digital service, quality and information are coherent and as good as personal contacts with clients.

7. The fear of security risks it will bring. When digitalizing it is vital to also implement maximum security processes for your users and the company. So do not use the fear as an excuse, but rather keep taking control measures, applying cyber security.

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